The Impact Of Technology

- 12.21

The Impact Of Technology

The Impact Of Technology
Ok Google The impact of technology The following technological influence search results Open the web site No. first Open the web site No. first Ok Google Presentasikan Positive and negative impacts of information and communication technology usage Positive impact Speed up the flow of information The current flow of information so outrageously fast not even solved leaning so far Nevertheless This is a mistaken one positive influence being able to give additional information about the event along with fast Although sometimes not accurate and precise Make it lighter to access the latest information This is a mistaken one domino's influence comes from faster flow of information that is added There is a fast growing technology and information communication then anyone who will be able to achieve the information together is easy Access to information is terminated at any time wherever and coming from whoever This will help individuals in raising its own science science and Info Although sometimes the reliability and validity of the information comes from questionable Association of social media Social facilities are a lot of positive influence that comes from the development of technology and communication Info Social media gives extra lots of usability enhancements one of them was able to gather individuals together with the new and increasing the relevance to individual Media Entertainment Information and communication technology currently helping entertainment venues that too many variations for each per person The example must have come from the vast entertainment games music and countless videos many people who freelance accounting for missing and were able to come from stress because the entertainment on offer by the development of information technology Communication and It had a lot of positive influence in the world of education The subject and nothing else on the subject of joint education It will be a lighter accessed and Retrieved So this subject will help enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the accounting of it is its own educational purposes for each individual in the everyday life As for buying and selling businesses While this seems to be a lot of new jobs generated The growth of information and communication technologies are countless i.e. online stores and countless online This shift in sales of goods via kedigdayaan physical store because of the recognized more practical and not expensive accounting for marketing in terms of more effective products derived from The negative impact The following are some of the potential negative influences stemming from information and communication technology untold Individuals too lazy to physically adept The increase in cyber crime and fraud in accounting Cyber Bullying Growing negative content Libel and slander are widely is computed Keep close Neglect of duty and job accounting Mebuangbuang the time for pointless subjects Decreased learning and accomplishment accounts for a person's working capability OK thank you google

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